
February book choice and dinner

 Our February choice was Zadie Smith's novel White Teeth 
Here is a bit of what the NY Times had to say in their 2000 web post review 

White Teeth 0 9780375703867 0375703861
A young novelist chronicles two families who bring a patchwork of cultures to the London of the 21st century.

Zadie Smith's debut novel is, like the London it portrays, a restless hybrid of voices, tones and textures. Hopscotching through several continents and 150 years of history, ''White Teeth'' encompasses a teeming family saga, a sly inquiry into race and identity and a tender-hearted satire on religious antagonism and cultural bemusement. One might be inclined to assume that Smith, who began writing the book when still a Cambridge undergraduate, has bitten off more than she can chew; one might even feel a little huffy that one so young (she is 24) has aimed so high. Is it open season on Henry James's baggy monster? Yet aside from a rather wobbly final quarter, Smith holds it all together with a raucous energy and confidence that couldn't be a fluke.

Alayna hosted the Beehive at her lovely cottage, great food and a lively discussion.